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A blowjob in the car from his beloved wife helped the man to cum in style

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8 min
8 September 2022
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A husband and wife were driving together in the car, and then they decided to have some fun. To do this, the man drove to a secluded spot on the outskirts of town and asked his beloved to bare her breasts. She complied with his desire and noticed that her spouse was already standing staked. For this reason, she quickly released his cock and began to gently jerk it with her hand and then took it into her delicate mouth. No one could interfere with the couple, so they began to enthusiastically engage in blowjobs in the car. The slut worked perfectly with her mouth, so the man could just sit there and enjoy oral caressing. After that, he flattened the sucker's mouth and thanked her for the lewd blowjob.

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